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Monday, August 24, 2009

Just Say No To Drugs

The scandals of athletes who use Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED's) fill the pages of newspapers and magazines on a pretty regular basis. It might have been major league ball bashers Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire using a little something extra to excite the nation in that magnificent home run chase a few years back. Or maybe it was Brian Bosworth way back in the day poping pills to keep that tough guy persona he had going for him. And hell, it might have even been Kyle Petty of NASCAR fame using something to help him win a race. (But we, well, some of us anyway, know that nothing could help him win a race.)

Because the youth of this country hold athletes so high and most dream to someday be in the majors of their sport of choice, perhaps the professional use of PED's has trickled down to the youngsters.

And if it has, it won't be tolerable any longer. Well, in Illinois anyway.

Illinois is one of the four states to allow student athletes to be tested for PED's. Something that fans of any level of competition should be thankful for.